The presentation included an overview of setting up a working group, the consultant process, measuring impact and how their framework has categorised their work into four areas of:

  • Place: We will make meaningful changes to operations & achieve Net Zero emissions by 2040.
  • People: If we want to influence change, we need to be clear on what environmental responsibility means for us.
  • Programme: Our vision is to put communication at the heart of everything we do.
  • Process: Achieving real impact requires robust processes and realistic resources.


With further insight into the development of an action plan and key lessons learnt, the presentation inspired a wide range of questions and discussion (with the sharing of approaches and resources).  Many thanks to everyone who took part. 

With many organisations focusing on understanding and reducing a wide range of their environmental impacts, it is often challenging to develop and co-ordinate policy, strategy and action.  The Fit for the Future network is continuing to support members in this key area through the Sustainability Strategy Series, providing members with the opportunity to share ambitions, challenges, solutions, resources, progress and lessons learnt.  If you have an idea for the Sustainability Strategy Series and/or would like to share your organisation’s approach, please do get in touch with the Fit for the Future team.